New Years

New Year Resolution Ideas for Couples

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As adults, I don’t think many of us think about New Year Resolutions much anymore.

On my mission of becoming a goal-setter who accomplishes what she wants in life, I have made it a point to set New Year resolutions for the past 3 years or so. This year I want to set goals for not just myself but my marriage, also. Together we can accomplish our goals and feel good when next year comes sneaking up.

close up of two flute glasses filled with sparkling wine wuth ribbons and christmas decor
Photo by Oleksandr P on

While spending the last couple of months of every year thinking about New Year resolutions (for myself and us as a couple), I thought I would share with you my 10 ideas for New Year Resolution ideas for couples!

Are you ready for Valentine’s Day?

If so, check out some Valentine’s Day treat recipes!

Brownies for Valentine’s Day

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cupcakes

1. Plan meals together

This will look different for every couple, but in my marriage, I do all the cooking and meal planning.

Something we are working on is just discussing the meal plan while I’m making it. It’s something that my husband has been enjoying. I ask him if there is anything he is craving or any snacks he’s been missing lately then we go over the plan and try to agree on healthy options.

Having both of you involved in the food planning helps any one person feel the weight is not all just on their shoulder.

If your spouse is susceptible to helping in the kitchen maybe you both could even cook together!

2. Let the little stuff go

I don’t mean to let anger build up and ignore it. I mean, after an argument is ended or those little habits that he/she does that bother you, let those things go.

There are conversations that happen in a relationship that can just spark anger, and then before you know it, you’re irritated and just being kind of a jerk to the other person. We are working on not letting those moments get the best of us.

I read somewhere about how arguments can be a loop. Someone says something rude, and then it causes the other person to say something rude. This can continue this frustration as both people are now looking for the other person to say sorry or cut it out.

If you both work towards being the person to drop it, it can lead to less of a back-and-forth game of “Who’s gonna give in OR start yelling first”. Haha! (Of course, yelling is exaggerated; I hope no one is actually yelling at each other.)

3. Spend quiet time together

In this world of screens, I know it can be hard to put these things down and just hang out.

My husband and I spend probably, 99% of our time together with a screen in our faces. Whether that’s the TV, our phones, or a laptop.

This year we are going to try and dedicate at least a couple of hours a week to putting down our phones and just hanging out. We love spending time playing with our animals, hanging out outside, or even just close snuggle on the couch while we chit chat.

This is something I think is vital to keeping a couple close through the continued years of chaos and busy life.

New year resolution ideas for couples
Husband and I in Donner Lake, CA awhile back 💕

4. Take a vacation

Expenses play a big part in this, I understand, but hear me out. Being on vacation changes people. Taking someone away from their normal daily grind and letting them relax is so worth the expense!

There should be the time when you, as a couple, can just relax without the children, the daily chores, that ugly remodel staring you in the face, whatever it is, get away with it for a couple of days. You both deserve that and it will refresh you.

Without children, we spend plenty of time in the house, just the two of us but getting out together is a different experience that causes special bonding. Even if it’s just a day trip now and then or a weekend getaway, prioritizing some fun time by yourselves is very important.

5. Show interest in the other person’s hobbies

I’m looking in the mirror about this one. A point of contention in my relationship is my husband’s expensive love and passion for cars. This year, I am working on showing him love and acceptance for every bit of who he is.

This means being interested in his hobbies, and it means him showing interest in mine. He will be helping me decorate the house every season for the holidays, and he has been showing an interest in my writing which makes me feel so loved.

Showing an interest in each other’s hobbies helps the other person feel valued. As a spouse, showing the other person that their personality, likes, and dislikes are respected and cherished is key.

6. Walk together or exercise in general

Walking together is something special!

At least once a week, we take a walk with the dog together. While I walk the dog 2-3 times per day by myself while he’s at work, on the weekend, we get to walk together. It is such a nice small activity that always has us smiling by the end.

A walk around the block after dinner or a quick walk with the dog will leave you both feeling great from the fresh air, sunshine, and exercise.

If you both have goals of weight loss in the New Year, maybe finding some time daily or weekly to fit in an exercise routine to do together to keep each other motivated would be perfect!

7. Update your looks together

Over the last year, we have focused on updating our wardrobe and overall look. This is a great goal if you feel your wardrobes are out of date, out of style, or maybe just looking too young.

A couple of years ago, we realized my husband’s wardrobe was all graphic teas and baggie jeans, and mine was all off-brand shirts and junkie jeggings.

The New Year’s resolution to update our wardrobe led me to shopping places like TJMaxx, Marshalls, and even Nordstrom Rack for new clothes. These places carry so many brand names without brand name prices, and it has drastically increased our look!

I highly recommend this New Year resolutions for couples! Additionally, we have focused on keeping our nails clean and cut. These little things really add up to make us feel more confident and put together as a couple in public.

8. Be sexy

Once we are married for a while, sex can really fall to the waste side, especially for us ladies. Making a New Year’s resolution to dedicate at least one weekend day to some sexy time can really keep your bond tight.

Additionally, even if we, as ladies, don’t feel particularly sexy, usually, our men are more than happy for physical attention and love, even if we don’t see it in the mirror. I mean, they married you! He picked you over others because he thinks you’re beautiful, and he wants a piece! 😉

9. Find a weekly outing

Or monthly. Something like going to church, a farmers market, a class, or gatherings with friends. It’s good to get out and see people and be social together.

Getting a chance to meet other couples, make friends and get out of the house will keep you and the spouse from being bored around the house every day.

10. Say “I love you” more

Saying “I love you” is more than just words. It reminds the other person you care, and you feel that love when you hear their voice.

I heard someone say once they don’t like saying I love you often because it loses meaning. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion, but I don’t believe this. It’s never enough to say I love you to your spouse.

Sometimes I get these waves of love for my husband, and I always call him to tell him. So don’t be afraid to say it more!

My wedding day ❤️

There’s my list! I hope you got some ideas from it and are ready for 2024 to be in full swing!

Do you make New Year Resolutions?

Are you good about sticking to your New Year goals??

Tell me in the comments!

2 responses to “New Year Resolution Ideas for Couples”

  1. […] New Year Resolution Ideas for Couples […]

  2. […] and move forward with my head held high every day. I set goals every New Year for myself and for my marriage in addition to my decade goals and my daily goals (otherwise known as just my daily to-do list […]

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Welcome! I’m Taylor, so happy you are here! This website is full of fun and helpful articles. Find recipes, shopping guides of my favorite things, activity ideas and more. Hope you enjoy and please subscribe for more! Find me on Pinterest and Instagram also at Cottage Full of Love.

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